Tips For An Effective Autoresponder

An autoresponder is a MUST, if you want to have a successful online business. Yes, you can simply set up an autoresponder account with one of the major auto-responder services that we all use today – Aweber, 1ShoppingCart, Constant Contact. But have you ever stopped and thought, “why do I always have to have it in my “ago” folder, and not put it in my “main” folder – why?” The question is how much time do I spend placing my “previous” autoresponder into the “main” folder?

Let me explain.

gold and silver round coin

Domain names do little but just sit there and sometimes take care of viruses and junk. That is just one more thing to worry about. So you never see the autoresponder folder. Who ever downloads your script that you use to create the autoresponder – has to make sure to put it in their “main” folder.

Here is why I always do it. I have yet to pay for a service, that I have not used. I want the peace of mind. And I am afraid, I do not have that comfort.

Now, I do not, nor have I EVER, had an autoresponderCleaner. Personally, I have tried all of the major services that I use. And if I want to go back and look up a single email, I require my “clean” autoresponder. Unfortunately, if I own a domain, I cannot take it away from the registrar. That is just too huge a thing for me to get rid of.

In fact, why would I ever have a clean one, if I did not “anger” at it and delete it from the domain that I decided I did not trust any longer?

So, what should I do? My choice is to create my own autoresponder opt-in form, that can be seen in my “main” folder. It does not matter whether on my main page or anywhere in the “main” folder.

I have used a Firefox plug-in that will create a very handsome “popup” when you arrive on my main page.

This looks very professional and is very fast.

For the best effect I also need a tool that allows me to customize the look, and items on my opt-in form. What I need is a way to make it so that everything can look as if the form was created with my main email address.

So, I have two problems to solve. I need to create aAppearanceValue, so that everything is in the same folder, and I also need to look for a “clean” autoresponder.

The computer user that I am, is one that will always give up and start to try to figure offers, that can solve their problem of course, more often than not, with something that is free. I will always try to come up with a free sure-fire way to reduce spam.

So, I have to give something away. A way to give back the people in my list a chance of learning something. Well, it just won’t work.

The thing is, I know it will work. But do I really need such a thing?

I continue to add new people to my list while keeping all of my existing subscribers. It is one of the most effective things I have ever done.

But then, I will get a call. The call that will tell me, that what I need to do is invest in a lasting Internet advertising budget or narrow my focus. So far, my subscribers have been responsive.

Here is the thing. It is the same thing with affiliate marketing, it makes me wonder how far they have come in, but I do not have the time. Affiliate marketing is one of my favorite ways to make money. I really enjoy networking with the people I promote to.

As with the list companies, I also want to go to ClickBank and choose some great e-books and software. But I guess that is another story for another day.

So, the thing is, I have enjoyed my time online. But I was not happy until I finally decided to buy one of the big-title affiliate-marketing products. Why? Because it was the only one I could find that also gave me a way to build my own list while promoting one of their many products as an affiliate marketer. I never built a list without using these two of the multitude of autoresponder scripts that are available at any of the major companies.

Is it safe to use?Sure, however, people are warned that they pays affiliates $.50 for each sale. I get $20.00 for each sale.

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