How To Use Search Engines In Niche Marketing?

Howniche marketinghow do you choose your market and what words would you use to do a search?

It’s a critical question, and not for those who know how to do keyword analysis to rank high in the search engines.

baby doll on white printer paper

Not in the building of a good website.

If I where building a good website, I would likely first of all chose a good niche. Let me give you some ideas.

Research – what’s our goal?

Start with a good idea. Too many findwares fail because they begin with a “great” idea for their business. It’s much better to start with a market that has a desperate problem, and is not yet fully served – by a potential new customers. For example, imagine you are starting your own business or entering the online business world and your key product or goal is to make large amounts of money for helping newbie’s in the affiliate marketing world.

What do you name your products?

By getting into a strong market that requires a solution to a problem (one that solves, or at least makes sense via the keyword analysis) you can target your goods. By getting in to some red hot markets, you will quickly find your fee legal.

Free brainstorming – pick several keywords or phrases.

Choose a bunch of phrases that get under 500 searches or higher spread)

Watch for the level of competition

First brainstorm some words or word combinations that make sense.

These are the words that advertisers are buying for their pay per click program.

The next stage is to get into your research tool and do some searching and list down the ones.

Do an example keyword analysis

In Google search, type in your phrase and note the number of sites that show up, then go to and see how many searches there are for your phrases and the number of sites that show up (note that you will only get indexed with a web site that shows up in the searches on Google.

Do a search for your phrase on Google.

You will find out how much competition there is.

Make a note of words on each page that make sense for your product.

We’ve created some example product descriptions which you may want to use to help you to promote your product.

Now with all the words you’ve chosen from the brainstorming phase, go for it!

What I suggest is you add a subtitle or subtitle phrase. Something like Perhaps easier will be beneficial for those who need the details instead.

Updates – if you are not experienced in a niche, but you are a leader and you can do better, write a summary article. In your summary page write and highlight a couple keywords or keyword phrases about your new niche. For example, You product is about “how to beat the dry cleaner”. “How to beat the dry cleaner” could be your title. Keep it simple, a couple keywords spaced down the page. So by deciding to advertise your article around “how to beat the dry cleaner”, you will attract some heavy traffic (You lost your keyword competition).

Your summary should be static (When you read your summary, you will find out which words work best for your niche).

By using your summary, you are optimizing your article by submitting it to Google, Yahoo, and other search engines thereby creating traffic.

If it is good content you will be attracting some really good and traffic coming through…

If it is relevant, you may even see an article on a high traffic site such as which generally asks a question.

O.K. now it’s done.

I hope you liked the article.

In summary, there are 2 steps or steps you need to do to accurately chose your keywords that will be profitable.

Step 1: Gather descriptive words and phrases (your niche’) the we are not trying to compete with anyone… we are just trying to source/gather ways to solve a problem. Make a good list.

Step 2: Now bookmark or save to an index.html file your training manual (make sure it has model numbers).

Now go to the top search engine and enter your business product and make sure you don’t go for competitive keywords but rather continue the research by choosing long tail keywords

Follow the simple guidelines I’ve described and you’ll be on the way to finding the profitable keywords in your niche. Go through the steps ( reminders, there’s a little guy preaching the same thing, he’s so beat up he didn’t believe you..)

So what are YOU waiting for?

NOW go out and start using those keywords and do the same for your next niche.

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