Free online money making courses are also offered by various internet marketing gurus online. But they don’t really tell the whole story. Or, more precisely, they tell you a story that is based on themselves and their associate fee. This is sometimes pretty indirect but overall generally it isn’t too bad. You only get to see the bottom line then you get to move on.
In fact I have had quite a few “make money online for free” offers and when I discovered the truth behind those offers I had to unquestionably change the way I do business online! I found out that most of these offers are methods of making money in but with some small variations. I found them all to be somewhat deceptive in some way or the other.
My latest finding is that article marketing is one of the most effective free methods you can possibly use to drive traffic. It takes time to master an article writing formula and to perfect the art. Your reader wants quality information. They are not looking for hype. They want to be guided on how they can do something. They want to be motivated to take action.
Classically if you are writing about a product they will buy it before you tell them how to do it. You set yourself apart from just another vendor because now you know how to communicate to them in the quality that will make them buy. Excited to know how you can create articles that will be read and acted upon.
So here I am giving you specific steps to write articles.
1. Create an article template.
2. Create an outline of the points you are going to share.
3. Fill in the blanks as you write.
The first and very important point. Do you know how to create a category? The very important part is the consistency. If you have 20 categories then learn to edit your template to fit in one. In most cases you can simply select a category of the template and edit it.
Make sure that each of your categories is in a properly separated folder. There will be probably be other folders of yours separate from your categories. If not it will be catered to. If you have formatting or simply punctuation-make sure that you understand the format.
The second point. Before you begin I recommend that you take 1 hour to write down your own personal success stories. I would try to see the screenshots or the animation if possible. Give yourself two or three days to get your thoughts and ideas on the board before you begin your project.
If you want to read a great inspirational book to inspire you to get going, read it and use it as a reference guide.
Here are 2 tips for writing the title of your article.
1. Write down a list of key words that you believe are important to your reader. Your title is your headline.
2. Use a keyword tracker to see how many times the keywords that you have written have been searched on in the last 12 months. If 50,000 searches or more have been done in the last 12 months you know the keywords you have written about are good hits.
Don’t’ want extra problems? Well, use the Google Keyword Tool (a Google search will come up with it) to see how much your title converts. Actually that is what you should be looking for…the number of hits it takes to get a sale.
Want to know the best free traffic building strategy to beat your competitors, study this: Traffic Elite. This is a definite must in my honest opinion.
The third tip for effective article writing is to avoid long connecting conventional sentences. dodge (* Kate BB000) Telling people (do me a favor…? *rup wow ** aa boom). In these days of information overload we all need help.
Here are some tips for writing the body of your article:
1. Write from the readers point of view.
2. Put your most relevant keywords in your title.
3. Put your most relevant keywords in your heading (in the first line) and the foremost part of the page (the first 3-4 sentences)
4. Have the most important keywords placed (1 time each) throughout the article. This is essential for SEO and overall for the dignity of your article. For example if your keyword is “free money” and “article marketing” you will get more link juice from those terms. (Incoming links are like votes for your web site.)
5. Use bullet points sparingly. Readers who are “surfing” are not great memory makers and will not remember numbers and words that are used.
6. Have a “call to action” (click here now * delete it now) in each article.
7. Don’t get bogged down with self help! Just tell ’em what to do.