Getting Your Links To Show Up In The New Google Algorithm

Google is getting rid of a lot of legacy link sources, and that could lead to some big changes for webmasters, and obviously big changes for Google. Webmasters have been playing the link game and been doing things that worked before. This is nothing new, and kind of ugly. So, I wouldn’t be surprised if Google made some radical changes. A big, radical change that I’ve never seen before would be the replacement of a goodly number of affiliate link partners by editorial links. I believe it. So, what does the big change mean to me?

The New Google Algorithm


Google has been making an effort to reward authoritative sources when ranking. What is an authoritative source you may ask? This is the question that webmasters involved in the online link game have been asking on a daily basis. The answer, Webmaster’s Man. I’m not talking about the engines (I won’t go into a lot of SEO talk here), I’m talking about a person who is an authority in a niche. You can give them a link for their opinion. You can offer them a blog to write on. You can answer their questions in the form of a forum on your website and spend the time writing insightful content on it. All these things affect the page rank you have, the link juice you receive, your ratings in the search engines, and ultimately, your commissions. You need to provide good advice, and you are valuable, and if Google and other search engines recognize that, then you will also be rewarded. That is how the search engines work! Google likes links, you should all, so you should go out and get more links.

The moral of the story is to provide answers to people’s questions. Answer the questions consistently, and you will get links. If you cannot provide any answers, then my advice is you forget the topic, do not spend time on it, and don’t do any work at it, cause once you stop giving answers, good things will happen not for you, but for all of the wrong reasons trying to explain it in the article.

So, What’s With the Comments?

Lee Mcintyre over at was talking about the changes to the new Google Algorithm. He says the one major change I can see will be the replacement of affiliate links as sources of links, and replacing them with editorial links. What does this mean for the webmaster? Well, this means that you could do a lot of damage control, especially if you are part of a big online affiliate program, but what can you do.

– Hopefully you create an editorial resource that you have some control over. It means that you can access your entire text, and you can change anything about it, or delete it, and this can benefit, honestly. So, I wouldn’t be too worried all the pieces might not have control over certain parts of the content, such as the image, and perhaps tracking software, these could be edited by you fairly easy.- The downsides with this are that you will not have the full information, so you might know that the answer is actually the link that you have been working on, so you can either create another article to answer the question, or you could change a link that you have and again, give it more valuable information.- As I stated, if you make assumptions, you are going to lose a lot of trust in the search engines, so you need to make sure you write like you are the expert, instead of writing from aurden of what “they” think isauthority; hiring someone that has little experience that you know is it not.

Is this the biggest change to come from Google? Yes, not really, just not significant enough for me, personally, but what I do agree about is the power of the human voice. Starting now you are losing a lot of opportunities to be linked to and scammed by internet traffic, as they cannot differentiate between real answers, from a spamned one. I hope you have found this helpful, I tried to find answers for all the questions I’m seeing in one article. I don’t know how to receive them, I am always being bombarded with they are all the time and that means that they have been answered, so nothing much to lose. I wish you the best of success.

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