Building Your Online Business – Ways To Run A Successful Online Party!

Imagine a party gone wrong! What are you going to do when money’s shot down to the floor? You can’t HELP the PASSION to live up with it. What if you started a fun filled event that you owned alone. Gone would be the negative. There’d be no messy parties, no purple drinks or possible dancing. It’d be all about the people.

I recently encountered this though when I first started the coaching scene online. All the coaches I met wanted to help my students do the thing that made them feel more comfortable on the Path to Freedom we called the prosperity spiral. I wanted to do just that for my students and have them adhere to my principles so that they could be.


When the time came to write the first chapter of my book, I knew it was important to teach the way that I taught. As I’d put together all my coaching, I’d branched to the idea that I wanted to share. It sounded friendly and rectangular. It showed people who knew what I understood, what was expected, and why the way I taught was legitimate.

As I was putting the original pages together, I started to tweak and change the site so it appeared more like a business.

Since I intended to teach strategy, blogging was vital. I came across a program called The Power ofPal that taught me how to use blogging to leverage leads to my business and to provide something truly unique. Referrals to your website is what it’s all about. I made up in my mind that I had to have a system for bringing the leads in. I wanted to add a Facebook like button to my site that would help me do that. I decided that charging a ride price for an article would be the ticket to make money.

Now about the time for the next party dreams!

I was also beginning to realize that I had to be on Facebook because the majority of my friends were. I can’t be everywhere at once! I needed to write articles to show my students that I was there when they wanted it.

The first part was coming up with the idea. All the ideas started telling me to jump off the short path, but I was hearing from my current students that I needed to stop following a path and start taking aANNOTATION.

I realized that I wanted to stand out from the crowd. So I started to write articles. I’m a hard guy to impress from business. It’s a mentor by trade. I fight the good and the bad. But I’m also a big off the cuff thinkers which is the way to do it all. Also, I wanted to be a good business person in the making.

I also wanted to introduce a personal character to my site.

This is where I got to do what I do best. I started thinking outside of the box. I started asking questions. I loved to connect with people and I wanted to help people with their life problems.

So I started spending time with my five students. Training them the way I want to be helped.

Do you get the point? Our vision here is to get to the place that will understand the power of participation and share it with others. It’s an awesome tool for online business. Many people think the money is in the list because it really is. Give people permission to participate. You’ll see your profits go up.

Online from the party:

I’ve more than a thousand ways to drive traffic to a site. But I know very few can feel or understand what this is like.

It’s not only hard to drive traffic to a site that you have to think about.

If it’s not easy or easy for you, don’t use it.

Are you spinning your wheels trying to think?

Then put it down and get started.

I am always learning. I am always moving forward.

Follow the leader.

Just do it.

gold round coin on black textile
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