4 Secret Steps To Killing Your Traffic Efforts With PPC And Why I Hate It

Are you frustrated with PPC? PPC is a great way to get your advert and your website ranking on Google. You bid good keywords and bid what you can afford per click, and for your ad to show up. It’s really easy to get a ton of traffic if you play the bidding and placement game right.

But if you’re not careful, PPC can kill your efforts. Here’s what I do to kill my campaigns and ensure I don’t get shut off…

white and brown pebbles and green leaves

1) Degrade Your Competition

To improve your ratings in the PPC world, you have to have rinse and repeat in the same niche. Let’s stat out why you’re going to need to take a look at your competition.

You see, before the introduction of Google’s AdPay Per Click, most of the top PPC companies such as Yahoo, MSN, and even Alta Vista and Excite had to get their prices so high to get customers in the door.

Because of this high amount bid prices they were able to suck in a lot of clicks from good keywords (also known as “before they made their bid”). But using AdWords makes it so much easier for you. You can get ads for as little as $.05 each and the price is controlled through the clicks you receive.

Your ads do a look a lot better, you get more of them, so competitors are just wasting money to play the game.

2) preaching and not helping

Top internet marketers love to ‘talk’ about what they are doing. And when they are talking about how making money works, it draws people in. After all there’s a lot of money rolling in right?

Alas, using PPC will help you achieve anybody’s goals. You’ll get more clicks with less clicks, which will only mean a better CTR and the same thing. It’s not about sales, it’s all about CTRs.

3) Out Playing AdWords Ads

There are certain rules of the game and you’re going to have to follow them when using PPC.

You see, GoogleAdWords, is a smart advertising system and you have to learn how to ‘play the game’ to get the highest CTR and make the most out of your ad dollars.

First, you should never specify a single keyword or a long keyword because chances are it’s going to take you some amount of clicks to get the right keyword. So in order to get onto AdWords, you have to play by their rules, strict.

Second, go and find profitable keywords and ad groups and use them. It’s really simple, just follow the rules.

For Example, I noticed that most people are running their ads with the landing page, and never even letting the people know that they’re integrated with PPC. But you don’t necessarily have to do this.

When you’re on a PPC program, use a white labeled web page and drive customers to your ad using a different page. You will get a higher click through rate with your ad because the site is relevant to your ads.

4) Not making a ‘smart landing page’

You have to make a page that your visitors would actually want and go there. After all, we’re a market that wants solutions or should I say we’re looking for solutions to problems. So your landing page has to be something that solves their problem.

In my mind, you simply have to make your site a ‘spit-ball’ and throw out everything else so that you can make a great site with a product that people want to buy.

You’re going to have to do this to make your PPC efforts worth your while and sometimes, it’s worth it. Especially when you’ve built up a great keyword, CTR with AdWords, and it starts moving in the direction of the right ad.

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