Why You Should Start Using LinkedIn Today

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LinkedIn offers a community of like-minded professionals who understand the importance of online business and business networking. When you have someone who can truly connect with you and your business, they can help you to stay focused in other areas of your life. Here are some reasons why you should consider using LinkedIn today.

What Professionals Do On LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a place where business professionals interact with each other in a professional attitude. You may already be members of tons of groups on LinkedIn, but you can still add more information everyday to your Profile. On LinkedIn, you can call yourself a professional, but you can also interact in such a way that other professionals won’t know if are interested in detailed one-on-one discussions or a simple question (or answer!).

Situations For Your Group/Group-Speaking of questions, you will need to be very careful not to call anyone a phony as there are forums and groups of professionals that may ignore you and not read your posts. Even if someone turns down a question from you, there will be groups on LinkedIn that may help you have access to a reply from his or her powerful programmers! If this has happened to your client, you want to be sure to thank the programmer and let him know you welcome him or her. Whenever you propose a question to another user on LinkedIn, you will probably face some resistance for this, but most people will still accept what you have to say.

What Do You Do On LinkedIn?

When you complete a task for someone in the Network, you will be rewarded with a point. You will always see these points on your profile after an hour or two, and you will have the opportunity to declare your campaign, then add the link to your account. You will need to finish a task such as creating a blog post, for example, in order to get a 1 point. The value of points will differ for different projects and offers or signing up for a group or two. You can start an inactive campaign or earn points on each task you can do with a certain person. These characteristics of LinkedIn will create a general sense of endearing to you and make you feel more connected to one another.

How Do You Use LinkedIn To Take Action?

We’ve been talking about why LinkedIn is a great place to build a relationship with a potential client or business associate. Some professionals create a Social Media Group to allow them the opportunity to see who reads their blog post. Others may be connected with another type of professional, and target their LinkedIn Marketing Campaigns to those kinds of professionals. At a very basic level you will want to connect with people that have contributed to your story, whether it was by bookmarking your story in Delicious, or making a comment on your Facebook profile.

But, as the underlying message of the LinkedIn Group may be different, there will be connections wanted that are not currently connected to you. If you cannot complete a task like creating a blog post, you will have the opportunity to contribute something you are currently working on, a Joint Venture campaign, or some small, fun, buzzworthy activity that gets other people involved. There are plenty of events out there that might interest you.

Adopt the LinkedIn Strategy

There will always be people who disagree with my tips. Don’t be one of them! Before you join, ask yourself if you are committed to using LinkedIn to build relationships for your profession. If it is, you will save yourself a great amount of time and energy as well as valuable interaction with other professionals.

For that matter, you might even find it easier to use just one site than several! Only you, your business, the other business, and you . . .

The same rules apply for LinkedIn, just with a different focus.

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