Which Makes More Sense For Your Internet Marketing? A Sales Funnel Or A Free Report?

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Marketing online has become a tough field to get into. There are so many ways and avenues out there to market that you may find yourself getting confused about what to market, so how do you sort this out? Take my advice and follow my guide for optimal confusion-phobia. The advice I am giving you is a really common one and you will, in no time at all, be able to separate the credible advice from the “get rich quick” hype. Depending on what you want to do with your Internet marketing, you must decide, after some careful thought process, which appeals to you the most and logically makes sense for your business. Taking this kind of approach can be a huge, and maybe even frustratingly confusing, journey but it will definitely help you stay on track.

The Internet is filled with so many opportunities for you to make money online, and while it can be very easy to fall into a web of “too good to be true” websites, there are a few legitimate ways of making money with Internet marketing. This article is dedicated to educating you about those ways available. Because there are many different ways to make money online, I will be focusing on a few of them, along with some techniques I’ve picked up through my experience.

The most obvious way to make money online is with a blogging site. Many Internet marketers make a plan to write and publish a blog on a Web 2.0 property. If you’re not familiar with Web 2.0 properties, this means that you are the one that actually appears on the site. When I first started doing online, I did what I thought was the easiest way to get started. I searched for “free blog” and started getting results by Google. I wish I would have done a search for “free blog builder” instead but I wasn’t sure what I would get back and then just stopped there. Later, when I really did click on the results I got by Google & Yahoo, I was grateful I didn’t continue, because of all the scam sites popping up. Many of which had high paying content but I didn’t want to pay. I ended up with a few sites that said “download this software” within my link and I didn’t realize what I was getting into.

Another thing to be careful off about, is you may be lured from your search for free blog with the offer of a free report. The free report isn’t free by the way, it is actually something else, like a gold mine or a secret recipe that is to be kept for the next 100 years. The sites mentioned earlier offer you a free eBook or some sort of useful information for which you have to give up your privacy. If the site said that my first couple of free eBooks would be sent to you after I signed up, they usually gave me a free report. All these were valuable and useful products. Later after I got pretty good at driving traffic to my website, I offered a free article about my niche to those who signed up for my newsletter.That I’ve noticed will be of interest.

There’s an impressive number of reputable online business opportunities out there. Blogging alone is a valuable start to make money online. Some consider Content creation as another way to make money online. This is articles written by you on subjects related to your niche. For more specific products you have to put up with PPC or Pay Per Click. For your blog you need to consider making an offer that will keep it on the first page of Web pages when you submit to Google, MSN, Yahoo, and other search engines, with your links appearing as much as possible on the first page of a given keyword search. This will drive even more traffic to your website, more public blog entries, and more possible sales.

It will be a lot of hard work to get into a way to keep your integrity but it will be worth it. We all get caught out some time in the past. Let yourself be sold; even if you have to keep some articles on your site published on the first 100 times. Your integrity is worth money. Don’t worry about the targeted traffic or the keywords or anything else. Your integrity is always better in the end.

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