If you are doing affiliate marketing, you may already know that you will get more money if you promote products that you have knowledge about or have some experience in. For example, if you are promoting a product about losing weight, it would be much easier if you know at least something about this area. If you are promoting a product about making money online, you will also have an easier job if you know even a little bit about the subject.
What you need to do is to find a balance between promoting products that you are interested and know very little about and those that you are quite knowledgeable about. If you can get in good position where you are promoting those products, you will double your chances to earn extra money.
Here are three tips that I wish you’ve learned from me…
1. Perform A Hoax Screening
Do not rush into promoting a product simply because it looks great. I always perform a hoax screening when I decide to promote any kind of product. After all, taking up a fake product won’t only put you on the spot, it will also cost you your credibility to sell it as on the Internet, there isn’t any face or voice to talk to. So surf the Internet, check out forums or ice cold traffic and see who you are working with.
If the forum tells you that a particular product is a good idea, then take speed and go ahead and become an affiliate. No, don’t get into anything suspicious or illegal. An example of a good scam screening would be like this…
“Not long ago I was introduced to your product, I have to tell you about it as it’s such a handsome deal and I need to sell it. I am quite sneaky about it, therefore I’m making all these claims to you…”
I’m very sorry to tell you, this usually means that the affiliate will be rip-off once you actually purchase the product. I’ve been there while I was still learning how to be an Internet Marketer.
So, make a hoax screening 2-3 points…
“How is your lifestyle nowadays?”
“How much money do you make off the Internet?”
“How serious are you about making money on the Internet?”
“What does your average day feel like?”
Before I start to get into the details, I want you to be aware that false means are wrong in their ALL, so please keep yourself focused. Start with the Sanitized questions and then work your way up.
2. Stop To Educate Yourself About Ideas
I only recommend something very smart as if it were a one person job or such, you have to expect that it’ll only work for one person. For example, if someone suddenly swam into a swimming pool, so would you. You’d do you and the next thing you’d have to do. So it is with Affiliate Marketing.
Don’t take it lightly. While there are some sites that sell products that you expect are good, others are just scams consisting of spam or home made acne products. Which are scams? tour worthless junk that will only make you look worse and not bring you any money at all.
You must always follow the two rules for the products or services you are about to buy:
1. Find out if they provide a money back guarantee if they’re not a scam. Also, consider views of people who have bought those products prior to you: Does it really work?2. Finally, ask yourself, how will this product actually help me?
“Customers get what they’re looking for. You just have to know your product and your market and the rules of business”. – EarlHideously Wealthy
3. Be Duplicateable
Once you promote the product that you have chosen, let it promote. It’s important to be duplicatable to ensure that the target does not change your message and pass it in so that the new campaigns will be a success. In this way, one person will make hundreds of thousands of dollars from a single marketing campaign while another will continue to live in the Instant Internet Millions contest.
4. Targeted Traffic
Lastly a great tip that I know will result in earning a lot of money with just a little effort. I often use search engine traffic and the only reason is that it’s guaranteed for the content of this article. If I wanted to use article marketing, then you would need to read down that this is entirely another topic and you can find another tip dealing with this.