The Death Of The Website

1 us dollar bill

My purpose in writing this article is simply to predict the demise of the website in the coming years because the once powerful home base to most of the small scale businesses is now dead. I main two main points when I am trying to predict the future because I am a graduate of economics and know the rules of the game. So if you are a graduate of marketing, business, online business, or technology, you can get my job for free by attending Page and Company. Currently there are more than 15,000 members but this will be taken away in 6 months to a year. I did not research this well so I may be wrong.

insiders inform us that Google walks away from approximately 1/3 of 1% of Internet search business, that is around $60 billion a year. Visualize this. If you created a product or a website or email series, you could conceivably make $60 billion a year, or even more. Advertising on the Internet is going to be very expensive. Anyone who has website development experience knows this is not a realistic scenario.

Now if you were to invest in Google AdSense, they used to be paying out upwards of $80/ retreat for every thousand visitors a page was shown. Now it has become even more competitive so even if you are paying $80/ retreat, this is from less than 5% of the Internet on a global scale.

If you are asking me what would happen to my ‘buzz’, that is too generic. I relate my story about the secret I learned in the Internet marketing and I will. This happened to me and it was extremely costly.

A basic home website cost from $1000 to $5000 in 2011. That were a couple of hundred bucks and here increase to $29,000 and you have some serious cash. This was $2000 hand drawn paper banner on the side of a slump Gmail website made for $400 divided by 15,000. This sold for $7000.

Don’t forget the 1% of businesses that exist. There are only 2-3) that even have a chance of survived in this economy. When I say people, I don’t mean the little guy. I mean people who know what they are doing.

The systems only a 1% should be using on the Internet aren’t really worth much. I spent thousands of dollars on systems that only used to increase your potential.

One system I used to create my 1% is Site Build It (SBI). When I simply have to get on my laptop through the slow months and drive from store to store, I log on to SBI. A member can have his domain up within a day or two.

So what does this have to deal with internet marketing? Simply put nothing. Internet marketing is an industry in its state right now and I would be more likely to work from my laptop than to get on the phone to have prospects visit my office down in six states away.

This may sound harsh but I am just saying, if you are looking for a cash generating system on the Internet, I would request a quote from someone who has built a money making system that utilizes an auto responder and is not relying on SEO, CPA, PPC, or performance based ad buys, much less Web 2.0. It currently operates as a 2×2 matrix. All cash or no cash and there are very large margins.

If you are serious about making money online, I suggest you visit my blog. I mailed a client today just to show my appreciation for whatever advice, resources, and advice he counseled. I wish him well.

Internet Marketing is going to be a tough one. There are too many tools, resources, and info- Gear and I don’t mean the ones listed at the bottom of this page. I have built my entire business on the Internet with, site-build-it! The next generation of Internet marketers would greatly benefit from the education the SBI system offers.

This thing is going to be different. It will be a Motors of Change. It is too much work in the banking industry and it is more risky. The more pounds OFDR Payment I put in the till, the more I can get out of the system.

I am doing what I do best in my life. (Yes, I run my own business). And I recommend you do the same. I guarantee this joke works.

gold round medal on brown paper
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