Quick Ways To Get More Hits To Your Website


One of the most important factors of an internet marketing business is traffic. You don’t have much of this if your website is dormant. The old Socket Rubber situation has really motivated people to devise ways to get more hits to their website.

I am going to give you some methods on how to get more hits to your website without spending a fortune on pay per clicks.

1. You need to understand how search engines work. They don’t actually rank websites. When you submit your website to the search engines, they actually index or research your website; what it is all about; what it is about. This process is known as ‘crawling’. Therefore, your website has to be optimized technically, to address all the dos and don’ts involved during crawling by the search engine spiders.

Before you launch your site, very well optimize it, if you are properly trained as an SEO professional.

2. If your website is new, it needs great promotion. I can’t emphasize it enough. This includes:

* Social Bookmarking:

A Twitter or Digg is now required to be followed by the top 12 or 16 websites, just for the reason of the traffic generation. Moreover, you should also submit your website URL to Social Networking Websites such as StumbleUpon or Delicious. There is no need to buy a book of links to SEO these days. Everything you need to have is WEB 2.0:

* Video Sharing/Bookmarking:

* Social Bookmarking / Thumbs radars:

* Video Sharing:

When you upload a video, submit it to your website’s video stock, Vlocksonds, YouTube or TubeMogul. You could upload it to Gstream, Weakestlink, Traffic Geyser, Sitemeter, Makeuseof. Every video will give you a link back to your website. This is known as link-bait.

What you should do:

* Don’t submit just any video. You need to do the proper keyword research for your video’ title, description, tags and category.

* Always keep an eye on the video stats. Check the number of views and their click rates.

* Don’t submit the same video more than two times a week.

* When you submit a URL to any video sharing site, make sure you submit it to the United States also. Never submit your site to the video-sharing sites that are not supported by the United States of America.

* Submit to only maximum three sites per day:Never submit your video to a site that has more than one video on the same page, or they will cancel your account and you are banned from making more videos.

* For your keywords, it should not be more than five words or you will be banned from the search engines.

* Do not submit the same video to different sites. You will keep a good reputation if your regular source of traffic also visits your video.

* Make those bad videos visible by bookmarking it.

3. Search engines love good content. You can submit additional pages on your website. This basically means sub-domains. A sub-domain is a page that is designated to a particular website or its specific keyword. This is basically what search engines look for and will rank. You can easily make sub-domains on a server. This is by creating a new site under an existing domain and the owner of the new site submits a link to his/hers. This is regarded as a duplicate website and it is a powerful way of doing instant traffic for a website. Sub-domains generally don’t rank as well as regular website’s. Sub-domain submissions and bookmarking of videos are also considered as a powerful method in helping you get traffic to your site.

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