Powerful Product Funnel Series – 8 Ways To Create A Powerful Product Funnel To Maximize Marketing Profits

My 2 hobbies are cycling and internet marketing and I make $xxx a month from both hobbies. One of my hobbies is internet marketing and I make 2x that amount of money. So what do I do for a living? I go into internet marketing.

I am creating a product funnel that makes me the most money for both of my hobbies. So, I thought I would share my business philosophy with you in this article.

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I have hundreds of e-books and videos that need to be created as I come across them. All the thoughts, routines, and principles for creating a powerful money making product funnel come from riding my bike by the ocean all day long, and from reading all of the free material online.

The reason I wrote this article is to show you that I do not want to be the typical salesperson that is pushing products all day long and trying to sell you some Internet marketing system. I want to be seen as a real person that is sharing real and practical information to help you make a decision.

Here are me telling you that I am a real person and demonstrate that my real income comes from creating relationships with real people who have real problems. Learn from me step by step.

1.Choose a niche – The first step in building your own powerful content (product funnel) is to decide on the niche you will work in. I use a system called Niche Launching and it’s easy to use. Choose a niche that will be easy and impactful to deal with and enjoy.

2.Choose the topic – Once you chose a niche you need to do some research and figure out what people are hungry and looking for. They are certain needs and desires that must be fulfilled.

3.Create the content – Once you are able to figure out what people are hungry and desire you need to create the most so that people will attack with a positive attitude. For example I created this product so that people can learn how to get better at creating content of their own. All that my readers will need to keep in mind, is that I wrote this book to solve some problem the reader might have. So, use this inspiration to put together the content that I create.

4.Get your e-books and videos created – The only way you will be able to design your own product funnel and create your own information products is if you are able to write all of your own content for the product funnel you are creating. So get the content and get started.

5.Create your funnel – This will prevent wasting time and money on other expensive products like GET painted IMFrom TV. Each and every person should start out with just a few products that could significantly add to their income.

6.Grab the attention of (and remind) your readers to purchase – The more people that visit your website the more chance you could have of making sales. So, remember to remind your visitors to purchase consistently from you. Be consistent and be dynamic in the approach and product creation of your product funnel to maximize your profits.

7.Offer products – The buyer who chooses to buy a product, purchase a product, even if it explains how to do it, the man who buys, the product will not be important. The buyer will pay the price regardless, so whether you are selling a $1000 printer or a $10 item; you must have something to make that sale worth it.

8.Currency it – We want our customer to be our greatest revenue earner. So, after the initial sale the time to turn that customer into a regular revenue earner is the time we have created a relationship with our customer through our product funnel.

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