Power Tryouts – Find The Right Online Mentor

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You already know that Internet Marketing is a broad subject to cover, including activities like;

O Bloggingo Article Marketingo Sponsorshipo Affiliate Marketingo CPA Networkso Social Networkso Video Marketingo Educational Opportunitieso and many more…

If you have a hobby, or experience a particular skill and have not entered the world of internet marketing yet, keep reading to see how easy it really is to start.

1. E-mail

If you are a newbie to internet marketing at all, this is really good, as you can immediately begin to offer your services as a mentor. There are many people who do not have a list of hundreds, or even hundreds of friends and family members, that one can rely on as a trustworthy source.

All you need to do is find a good referral service and sign up with a couple of good ones to encourage someone to find your service and start working with you right away. In one day, you should be well on your way to your very first sale when one of those new people finds you and signs up with you as a client. With the relatively low cost of an emailing service, this marketing strategy is very profitable.

However you decide to go about it, getting your first-time sale through email is one of the best ways to get started and has the best return on your investment.

2. Paid Advertising

Now at the point when you believe you are ready to go solo as an internet marketer, promoting your very first product is a must for anyone serious about making money online.

You can go about this in a couple of different ways.

O Writing articles, and submitting to online article directorieso Joining forums and contributing to themo Starting a blog about the product that you are marketing

To use articles to advertise, all you need to do is

O Subscribe to the various article directories including EzineArticleso Find questions to answer in forums to promote your businesso Find questions to answer in blogs to promote your business

Step two is quite self explanatory, but joining forums is a bit harder. You need to join internet marketing groups, also known as niche groups if you can’t find the appropriate group. Focus on helping people solve a problem about the product you are promoting, not about you.

Your first move will be to make a few, one-on-one visits to people that have asked for information on a niche which you decided on for a particular product in a particular category.

You have a few options in regards to forums, but the common ones are;

O Join a few forums per day, probably less than 5-10, and contribute in some, or all areas of the forum. Add a signature line that links to your website. You should have made some posts before, so the information on the forum looks quite natural to people.

When people are looking for help, they are usually also open to giving advice, the problem they may have, and the knowledge they have as well.

3. List building products

Any marketing information product will show you that “the money is in the list”.

List building is actually a long term marketing strategy, and your first task should be to setup ACTIVE follow-up emails that you can have automatically sent to your subscribers.

I use Aweber for all my list building, but most other auto-responders get their information from sites like Facebook and etc. You can use the same for your niche marketing services.

Most of your subscribers will visit your website, sign up for their free gift and leave, probably never to return, at least for people that are just browsing around the internet. They have just been attracted by you, something that would not happen even if you had a million visitors per day. Remember, the whole point is that you are hoping someone will visit your website when they have shown some interest.

Once someone leaves their email address, you must send them information on your niche market in their inbox everyday for 7 days. On day 5, mail them some tips on something that has not yet been discussed, keeping the general topic of your niche going in general, and on day 6 mail them your recommended books, video products, articles etc…

Your aim is making 1 sale every day on average, and most people are selling at a rate of 7% or so per day.

You can make money setting up this way by simply making at least 2 different emails packed with information.

The great thing about this marketing method is that your client clearly does not mind receiving the mail, because they have signed up to be on your list in the first place. So there is no nasty, spammy manual that is hard to be read, and the conversion rates are very high as well.

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