Only 2 Simple Words To Convert Your Prospects To Leads


Being your primary focus, all your advertising campaigns should be created around your customers problems, not the products. In fact, it is much easier to eliminate your prospects problem, rather than to promote your product or service. You do not even have to sell the product or service, simply to solve their problems.

The problem is, most corporate companies do not understand this at all. Most advertisers get the standard corporate speech every time, “We are the #1 provider of widget A.” Guess what! a#1 is ok on some occasions. But why would we tell the customer that? Yes, we do build it as you best network, but do you really want to buy our product or service through your warm market. No, we sell it to you, which scares you in the end.

Get the point right here first. If you can help your customers solve their problems. They no longer feel threatened by your product or service, neither do you. In fact, if you can show your potential clients that your product or service gives solution to their problems, they will gladly buy it without a second thought. Amazons, Walmart, Apple, Microsoft….get the point?

They have to find a solution to what a problem is. And it is the better you show your solutions are, the more money you will make. And this is exactly what you should desire and the ONLY way to make your money, your leads. Your leads or prospects help to build your list, tell you their problems and beverage your solution.

This is what you should do to start earning money from your target market. Get their problems solved.

Thus, I will explain to you two simple words:

7 secrets to make your customers buy

1. Almost Nothing

Let me explain this carefully. All you need to do to fix the problems of your target market, is to figure out what is wrong. You need to lay out a plan:

(a) what is wrong: make a list of what they do wrong. For example, people want to make money

(b) How does it make sense: frankly ask them to process their problem, and then suggest solution(

(c) Standards

Make sure your customer that says “yes” to your questions, therefore are actually interested in knowing on how you can help to fix their problems.

For example, what one of your target market’s biggest problems you have solved?

2. Help Your Customers

I do not agree with you on this point. You see, some people are unrealistic. They think that once they pay for a product, everything will be perfect. They get this wrong because they do not apply what they learn and only focus on the thing they wanted to achieve.

It may seem like you are disguised as a friend giving a trigger advice, rather that you are giving the right advice. But in fact, you are not really showing that you are as friend. You are building an image of corporate person who is trying to convince his/her customers they have the perfect product even if they think they have heart problems.

When you help your leads, they will then in their mind feel as if you are there to help them, because in the end, they are in need and it is the right thing to do to find a solution.

Therefore, never try to create a clamor with anything to earn money from your leads. Instead, straightforwardly request help from your customers and proceed more confidently.

You know the bottom-line; you can not sell your product or service. Instead, offer help, seek for help and the most important thing is to show them how you have helped so many other people before.

Because you have gained their trust, they will find you trustworthy and those who buy your solution will just think that you offer soundrustworthy adviceand is the right product for their needs.

And on top of that, you have succeeded in creating a massive potential lead for future profits.

round gold-colored coin
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