Niche Marketing – How To Write A High Ticket Title To Get More Customers

woman wearing white dress shirt

This article is now going to teach you how to write techniques to get yourself to $1000 per day using high ticket marketing.

Here are 5 easy steps to write effective title for your high ticket product…

1. Describe Your Solution In detail

If you do not know what is your solution, where would you find it from? I bet you will not find it out of a search engine, or if you are lucky it will take so much of your time. Do just a simple search for free ebooks and you will realize that most people who are selling a high ticket product do not have tested the product.

Have you ever bought from a sales page that promised to help you? If why did you buy? The answer is that you liked what you have read, and you bought it because the title page told you what this product was all about, and how it could help the reader. So always put a link in the title page to a free eBook that you might receive as a bonus.

2. Put bright red headline

Give the main title some benefits. Like for example, if you are teaching people to find love online, and love is the answer to their problems. Then this title should have some bright red headline that leads to the benefit that the customer will receive.

But always make sure you have the right words to attract your target audience. Similar movies, such as “Field of Dreams” and other TV shows teach us to use the word “dream” that leads us into a false reality.

So instead of using “dreams” you should use smart keywords, such as “life styles, relationships, relationships”, etc. What you are trying to get from your potential customers is to find an answer to a plugged question that they are asking and if you can give them the answer it will make you more money. So give it a try…

3. Use powerful words

You don’t need to overdo it but use effective keywords… the best phrase people are using to search for today is “how to!” People are always on the look-out for information and this is one of the keywords you can use while writing your title.

Sometimes people confuse “how do you” with “how to be”, so you can include in your title some vocabulary words for this purpose. So instead of talking altogether like this…


…as most people do. You will be able to write a title so much easier with the use of the above examples.

So the thing is not to overdo with the use of words.

4. Put power words

Most people think that when they are tested in a game the best that they can achieve is the number one overall. But in reality here is the thing that actually gives a person the highest bonuses in the game of life. I mean money.

When you are using the word “really” or “dream” in your title, it shows up when people are looking for a certain kind of solution. So in order to get someone interested in your product your title has to not only contain what you are selling. It needs look like a solution…

…without the word “how”, like I said before.

5. Take common phrases

Put common words in your title that your customers have searched for before.

Let’s take a step back from our ranking theory and look at how we actually use them.

The first thing we look for is the niche where the product is used.

When you are writing your title, you are writing for people searching for answers to problems that they are having.

So a fast way is to give a couple of potential benefits that people are looking for.

Once you have the right benefits, you want to take the most popular keyword and write a title that will demonstrate the solution to their problems once you have it. Here’s what I mean.

Software that will make your life easier

A low cost way to make money

Free eBook that will clue them in

How to get hundreds of emailing leads

Simple machine that can be learned in 3 weeks

An interruptor that works on the market like clockwork

How to make $100,000 every permanent day

These are just few examples of what you can actually include in your titles, but these are just example. You must also include similar words that go with the solution. For example

…that teaches you how to…

…if you are in desperate need of…

…to make money online.

…connected to ongoing marketing.

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