Cash Generating High Ticket Product Creation – Part 4

man in black suit jacket with red heart on his neck

Here are the step by step process for creating your high ticket product:

1. Decide on the type of information product you want to create. Stop thinking about it as a different type of project and look at it in the same way. Think about it as a very specific topic to one domain. Type it on Google for example, Cash Generating Low Ticket Product Creation. Your goal is to break it down into steps that help ordinary people to do something powerful in life.ALK TO REAL consistencyOUR politiciansright nowWake up in the morning with a challenging problem or a problem of one’s own, but before you can resolve it, you must understand exactly how it can be solved and why.Identify all of your current skills and do some research to find out though, but do not worry at all about it.All you are interested in is to go out and get a few people to work with you to find a way to help solve the problem in their lives.

2. Decide on the step by step, make it easy to understand process for every topic in your manual.You must pick the steps that are easy to understand and implement and that will take your leads through a systematic process.The steps are:

3. Create the manual.Creating a manual is a must if you are creating a physical form that you will ship to someone. Plus it gives you total control. How the manual will look totally up to you.

Typically your manual is atechers, it is your creation that you are going to mass produce, and it is completely your decision as to who does the leg work or you have to outsource it.

4. Create the front and back cover.E-books are the greatest sales tools we can get, but they are so bulky.

You need to make the manual so very small that it cannot be scanned on a computer and that it is as high as it can be sold as high as they want to be sold. Not to get too high but to not as low as you can sell it.

The best way to do this HTML is the way to go. It is very teeny-tiny the way you actually see it. You get to choose the particular color that you want to use. It has those squares in it that you can use to create any size – you can at least show the volume of the film if not the actual transaction you are doing. It is a great thing.

5. Create the front cover. This is the one that is seen on the front of all video games.This is very important.

6. Create the back cover. This is the one that is seen on the back of all video games.

7. Domain name. Register domain names that read, “onlineproductfor” and anything else you need to change that it reads.

8. Get a nice high-speed internet service provider. If you need a high speed internet, I like Time Warner Cable. I don’t want to get a super high speed internet or packet of high speed stuff but I do want to get the most out of my high speed internet. If not Time Warner helps with a dsl (digital subscriber line) so why not connect with them with your internet?

9. Find a hosting company. Sometimes $25/mo is too high, there is a company out there for you.

10. Attend to the back end of it and the front end of it.Make sure things are working smoothly and that you are getting as much money as you possibly can.

11. shipment requirements. I see a lot of people that do not realize they can’t afford to ship to all 50,000 people.

12. Find a way to actually fulfill the actual sale of your product. I know I mentioned that earlier and that is basically it.

If you can get that right then you will be making a really good amount of money.

13. Get people in stores and on the streets to kick in some sales.If you have to be at a movie to watch a movie, then you can go from store to store and do it.

You might have to be on the streets and actually have people give away something for free. People love free stuff and it solves them a bit of a problem.

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