In the world the internet is the most powerful place to advertise your small business and attract new customers, especially with the increasing popularity and use of the internet. To make the most of advertising on the internet here are some basic principles you should consider.
Firstly, you cannot afford to get carried away. Advertising on the internet has the potential to offer you new customers for your business but it should be used properly for it to be effective. Advertising in the internet is done with the use of keywords which express what your business is all about and what your business is all about, this allows your business to rank highly on searches and is able to attract visitors who are interested in what your business is saying or offering. Having many keywords in your website will result in it having a better ranking and therefore a higher potential for new customers. If you choose the correct keywords you will attract reasonable results that will last, enabling your business to continue to grow at a good rate.
Secondly, the name of your business or next level business should be included in your domain name. If you are advertising the name of your business then that is fine but people will soon become aware of the name of your business and if you want to appeal to more customers then it must be included in your domain name. It is easier to remember and associate the name of the business with the name of the website than it is to remember the business.
Thirdly, it is essential that any information on your website is clearly structured so that it is friendly to the customers and easy to find the information that they are looking for. Since products and information are often offered for free there is the temptation to offer too much on a single page; this is a big ‘NO!’ This means that the information on your website should be relevant to what your business is about.
There are many domain extensions available to choose from, some will apply to certain areas and if your business is one which is local in nature you can even pick a domain which relates to a particular location. Don’t be afraid to use some of your keywords this will help to enhance your website and enable the search engines to find your site.
You have likely heard the old adage: Size does matter. It is not just the size of your website that is important but also the text and font features. Make sure that it’s easily readable, with easy to read fonts that do not clash with the background colour. Ensure also that your layout is easy to navigate; always ensure that the information is visible on every page.
Don’t Google Adverts (or any other advertisements in a way which suggests that you may be about your business ) this can be a big turnoff. That’s exactly the way that potential customers will think ‘This must be an expensive business to advertise on the internet’, so research up on the most effective ways of advertising your business that are possible online.
Remember that if your small business is marketing on the internet it has to be totally recession proof, don’t be afraid to use some advertising coupons, this could help to get the word out about your business. Advertising on the internet is another form of exposure which they’re most likely to take until they know you’re a reputable business and there is some research waiting to be done when they do come to your business.