4 Ways To Develop Your List Marketing Skills Offline

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Are you looking back over one year of your online business? If you answered yes, we’re probably not talking about your List building.

Yes, you may even be working on the next product or a new affiliate marketing campaign, we’re here to remind you that marketing is more than building a list of buyers.

Your marketing techniques should include developing a relationship with your list.

But you might not be thinking of that – you might be making list building your number one marketing technique.

That’s the biggest mistake that a lot of marketers – not just list builders – make!

Before you start building that list, you need to make a real connection with your list.

Here are important steps that you need to follow in order to develop your list’s trust in you.

1. It’s all about you

Just as your list should be thinking of you, when you send your emails, those words must come from you.

You should not be sending email style campaigns every two or three weeks. Give your list some love by taking the time to get to know your niche by reading about it or visiting the market that you are in.

If you give your list these messages from the heart, they will respond to you in a very authentic way. It took me some time to figure that out, but now it is something that I do out of habit.

This is how I will connect with my list and to learn what they really want to learn from me. What is my opinion about my niche? What are my most pressing problems? What strategies do I know that you need and what strategies do I know that you can improve on.

The more I get to know my list, the more I can connect with them and engage them in the conversation that is happening between us.

You may ask, “How do I get to know my list?”

Here are two ways.

1. Get to know other marketers who have lists and subscribe to their newsletters.

You can ask yourself, “What questions are my lists asking me? What problems are they facing.” The more you know other marketers, the easier it will be for you to write your own copy for your own squeeze page.

Take some time to learn what they do in their business, focus on their style and build your own copy, email form, call to action and so on.

Then imagine that you are the one writing the email.

“Hey, God bless you – you’re the best on the Internet and you are the right choice for this audience. I bet you’re going to love this. I will get to filling out a few forms here and info-g Sending them a monthly newsletter relevant to them like this one with information they can get to achieve the lifestyle they want.”

I will get to sending out the newsletter in just a moment, so get to it!

2. Get to know possible leads in offline communities, clubs and seminars.

This can be very profitable. I never try to do business anywhere unless it has to do with something valuable.

For example, I know a couple of Internet Marketers who meet marketing at conventions all the time.

I have never done business at a conference, and they are making money in the businesses that I bought into.

This is a relationship that I value not just in terms of money, but in the relationships that I can learn from online marketers and friends, you and me.

Think about becoming an expert and expert at what you do in your business perhaps by attending seminars and networking with a few experts at the same time.

You may find that you can form joint ventures with some experts and partner up with them internationally or even offline.

Now do you see where internet marketing sellers can perform joint ventures?

Try to keep an eye out for the joint venture partner that you want to form a joint venture with. Then contact them via phone, Skype or email and show them what you have available to help them.

They will want to be involved in whatever you are doing to grow their businesses. Give it a good look-see.

If you follow the steps above, you can learn, grow and profit from your list.

It is very important to you get your head around list building. It is the basis of any business and if you follow these easy tips, it won’t take long to do.

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