1 Essential Marketing Tip That Will Increase Your ROI Big Time

person getting 1 U.S. dollar banknote in wallet

Do you have any idea what you should be doing to increase your ROI? I bet you think I’m crazy! Another of those products that you invest tons of time and money on just to end up only making little to no money. If that sounds familiar to you, then I have a sad and well-deserved bit of bad news. You are NOT alone. More than 98 percent of all online marketing businesses don’t get the results that you are looking for!

I know that I didn’t know what to do and so I gave this the old “Norbit” and purchased, and I borrowed, and I searched, and as many other ploys that you can think of to identify a solution. I even started to collect breath mintues and sighs but all in all, nothing really worked.

No, NO, it wasn’t me!

It was my guilty conscience. This time it was my guilty conscience that told me to stop messing around in this business. Give me a chance now. I am going to tell you how to make some serious money using affiliate marketing. I’m going to give you everything you could ever need to know about it. And I’m going to tell you how to make your money out of it.

Look, I’m going to tell you what I’m going to tell you in the next few paragraphs relates to developing a bad habit/belief that your customers are going to buy your product right away because everyone who looks at it is going to want to buy it.

Stop right there!

Your customers are not going to buy that product right away. They are going to buy it from their best friends. Someone they trust to the point where it won’t matter what you tell them (if you can tell)

The money is not ready to be spent right now.

Keep in mind that people won’t buy what you want them to! They will buy what you need them to buy. This is the kind of customer base who will pay millions for you.

So how do you enjoy that kind of customer…one who phones your business (or or your affiliate company) and asks questions like, would you like fries with that? And, when you reply yes, they’ll probably hang up your phone as a way of explaining to you that this is not about “buy my product”, or, “buy my product”.

You can do the same. There are only a few people who buy your product that are going to be ready to buy your product right away. And there are millions selling that same product as well.

So, what marketing tips do you have that you can let loose on someone that you know will probably believe in and buy from you?

Here’s a marketing tip that feels life. If you found a product, and someone paid you for it, would you buy it even if the person told you it was a good deal? Of course not! It is pretty obvious so now you see why that product works well even if the person selling it had a bad habit/believe about it!

It has to do with what goes around, comes around, and stays around. And what I’m talking about is what is known as mind-share. That’s a phrase that basically means that the product is successful because everyone who sees it realize’s that they like it. A good product will keep its appeal. A bad product will appear to be a poor quality product and not be appealing at all to the purchaser because they have no clue what the product is all about.

Some people buy only to become deluded by something they saw for a product. And some people buy some products just to milk everyone else out of their money. I’m sorry to have to say this, but your choice is up to you! Take the time to carefully research you product and then base a buying decision upon what the product makes you feel, what delights or remorse you feel and then base your decision based off of that.

1 us dollar bill
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